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I am the TA of the course, Learning English with Corpora and the Web. In this blog, we will be discussing language issues. I will try my best to share what I know with you. You are very welcome to provide input for each other. I look forward to learning from you too. Here is something about me.I major in French and I've been to Montreal twice, whereI learned how the language was used in their real life. One of my dreams is traveling around the world and I want to make this dream come true by joinging work and travel program.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I've been watching Japanese dramas since I was 11 when I was influenced by a friend who was crazy for Johnneys, the biggest entertainment company in Japan, reknown for the cradle of hansome guys' groupe.

At first, I just wanted to know more about the idols I like. Gradually, I found that Japanese drama are much more intersting than those of Taiwanese for that there are a variety of themes, such as education, love, career life, medical care, food etc I kill time by watching Japanese drams meanwhile, I learn something like medical terms, Japanese traditions etc

Great Teacher Onizuka
I've watched this drama several times in that it has been played reapetedly on cable channels.
I like it because we'll probably never meet such a cool teacher who really care for his students and try his best to understand his students.

It's difficult to find a clip with English subtitles so what I add above may not be the most interesting part.

Other dramas concerned education that I've watched are

Dragon Sakura: Adapted from comic books that shares tips to enter Tokyo University, the best university in Japan. We should always work hard. Knowing how to stydy efficiently, we'll enjoy learning.

Goddess of tests

I can't find a clip of this one.
Even elementary school have to pass exams to enter good junior high schools. What a competitive society!


  1. I was once mad in watching Japanese dramas, especially Takuya's. I even started learning Japanese by listening and reading the subtitles. But it's the past. Maybe that's why i believe that watching dramas and movies can improve any language. ^^

  2. I saw “Dragon Sakura” when I was in senior high school. The drama really encouraged me to study harder and help me going through the boring and pressured time. I started to learn Japanese because of Japanese drama, too. Drama is truly a great way to disseminate a country’s culture. Look forward to seeing more introductions soon!

  3. It’s Dragon Sakura!
    It was my first time watching this drama when I was in senior high school, too. And I found that there’s something same with Taiwan’s exam culture. Many tips from the story are also useful for us preparing exams. (I used some of them, too.☺)
    Can’t wait to see your articles about other kinds of Japanese drama! >”<

  4. I remember that I saw "Great Teacher Onizuka" and "Dragon Sakura" few years ago, but even now, when I occasionally read the article you post, the memories about the dramas are all back to my mind. I really enjoy watching Japanese dramas, and by doing so, not only am I relaxed but I also learn a lot.

  5. i agree with that you wrote in the post "I found that Japanese drama are much more intersting than those of Taiwanese" i think you can say that again.
    i am also preper Japanese drama to other countries' drama.
    actually, i usually practice listening of Japanese by watching Japanese drama.i think it's the best way to learn Japanese by ourselves.
    i love these two drama,too.
    it's the meaningful story that we can learn a lot from them:)

  6. to Hui Kee, Peh:
    Let's learn Japanese togther^^
    My listening and speaking are better than reading and writing. With or without 2 points is really a difficult thing for me...But I'll stick to it.

    I watched at more than 10 dramas played by Kimura Takiya. Though he's not tall(well, there aren't many tall Japnese guys XD), he's charming!!!

    There are many ways to learn languages. I think it's better that we learn formal things and then learn from dramas, advertisements etc. However, it's without doubt that learning from dramas is more interesting and its content is more useful than old-fashioned textbooks.

    Thank you for your comments. Nice to meet you and I am glad to learn with you.

  7. to Aurora Chang:
    I want to buy "Dragon Sakura's" comics but I am not sure if the final volume has been published.
    I watched 4 Japanese during the last winter vacation in senior high =P
    I found a coincidence: universities with "T"s seem to be very good, like NTU, Tokyo university, Toronto University(Having been to Canada twice, I care for things realted to Canada)...

  8. to Orange Lin:
    It’s Dragon Sakura!
    It was my first time watching this drama when I was in senior high school, too. And I found that there’s something same with Taiwan’s exam culture. Many tips from the story are also useful for us preparing exams. (I used some of them, too.☺)
    ---> I want to know which ones are useful to you. Did you do mathmatics while playing table tennis? I am shocked to see there are some people who remember every detail of the drama.
    I thought that education has been commercialized.

    Can’t wait to see your articles about other kinds of Japanese drama! >”<
    --->Thank you. With others' expectations, I'll have to do better.

  9. To Miavify Tsai: That's why I got more and more nearsighted... some dramas are so exciting that I can't stop myself, especailly those detective dramas, I love them!

  10. To Ellen Huang:
    i agree with that you wrote in the post "I found that Japanese drama are much more intersting than those of Taiwanese" i think you can say that again.
    ---->I've told my mother a thousand times that I couldn't understand why middle-age pople and old people like to see people shouting and crying everyday...That's why I don't like Korean dramas.

    It's amazing to know that at least 5 people among our class have the same habit like me. Let's keep wathcing LOL
