Who's writing

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I am the TA of the course, Learning English with Corpora and the Web. In this blog, we will be discussing language issues. I will try my best to share what I know with you. You are very welcome to provide input for each other. I look forward to learning from you too. Here is something about me.I major in French and I've been to Montreal twice, whereI learned how the language was used in their real life. One of my dreams is traveling around the world and I want to make this dream come true by joinging work and travel program.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Manga and drama

There are quite a few Japanese drama are adapted from comic books, or manga.

Among dramas adapted from comics, I think this one is the most well known because there are three versions: Taiwan, Japan and Korean. I didn't read the manga because I think the drawing is not good-looking. I heard the ending of the story in the manga wasn't a happy one. According to a prefessor of Japanese, she says that Japanese think tragedies touch people more. I didn't watch the Korean version. It's a story about a rich guy fell in love with a poor girl.

"Buzzer Beat"was my favorite drama that I watched last year. It's a story about dream, friends, family and love. To realize our dreams, we can never give up. This is a cheering drama that you can't miss. It's a pity that I can't find clips with English subtitles. I wonder if there are couple composed by a musician and a sports man...


  1. Well, I have to admit that I'm also a BIG fan of Japanese drama! I have seen those two that you mentioned and I love both of them. “Hana Yori Dango” is totally a classic one that was adapted from manga and I love it so much that I have seen it for thousand times. Intriguing story is the first reason that I love it. And the second reason is that I’m a big fan of Matsumoto Jun namely the male lead. XD

  2. Actullay it's a little bit bizarre that I assigned you as my partner. There were only 17 people wrote articles on time so I could only add myself in to make it a pair number. Really nice to know one more big fan of Japanese drama. Unfortunately, I don't have time to watch new Japanese dramas this year but I'll try to know more when time permets.
