Who's writing

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I am the TA of the course, Learning English with Corpora and the Web. In this blog, we will be discussing language issues. I will try my best to share what I know with you. You are very welcome to provide input for each other. I look forward to learning from you too. Here is something about me.I major in French and I've been to Montreal twice, whereI learned how the language was used in their real life. One of my dreams is traveling around the world and I want to make this dream come true by joinging work and travel program.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

dramas about sports

I am really bad at sports because I am a lazy bone. Dancing and badminton are two sports I prefer. It's really good to move with the rythm and to sweat. But I am really not into repeating the same movements. As for badminton, I'll have to find a partner and a proper place.

I watched "Attack No1" when I was in high school. The sport I hate the most is volleyball because I can't never control the ball well and it hurts me. I am touched to see they collaborte to win the game.

This is one of my favorite dramas. In Taiwan, things related to sports are really hard to understand. Thanks to this drama, I know how hockey is played. But, to be honest, I like this drama because the leading actor is Kimura Takuya, who I mentioned in the preivous article and Takeyochi Keiko. Confident guys are always charming. The theme song "I was born to love you" is very catchy.

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