Who's writing

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I am the TA of the course, Learning English with Corpora and the Web. In this blog, we will be discussing language issues. I will try my best to share what I know with you. You are very welcome to provide input for each other. I look forward to learning from you too. Here is something about me.I major in French and I've been to Montreal twice, whereI learned how the language was used in their real life. One of my dreams is traveling around the world and I want to make this dream come true by joinging work and travel program.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

dramas about human's dark side

I haven't read any novel of Keigo Higashino(東野圭吾), but dramas adapted from his novel are really awesome!

It would be definitely horrible if the story happens in our daily life. Have you thought why there are murders? As a coin has its two sides, love and hatred are always together. It's hard to describe how I felt when I was watching this drama. On the one hand, I want to know how the stories develops. On the other hand, I was afraid that the ending would be too surprising that I would lose my interest in Japanese dramas. The pace of this drama is very slow but you won't be bored.

I am now learning Japanese and my goal is to understand Keigo Higashino's novel in the future.

This one is not so serious as the former and its somewhat humorous. I think it's really good to have siblings because we can share our sorrow and delight together just like the three main actors in this drama. Although some plots are really unreasonable, I still think its worthy seeing.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

dramas about sports

I am really bad at sports because I am a lazy bone. Dancing and badminton are two sports I prefer. It's really good to move with the rythm and to sweat. But I am really not into repeating the same movements. As for badminton, I'll have to find a partner and a proper place.

I watched "Attack No1" when I was in high school. The sport I hate the most is volleyball because I can't never control the ball well and it hurts me. I am touched to see they collaborte to win the game.

This is one of my favorite dramas. In Taiwan, things related to sports are really hard to understand. Thanks to this drama, I know how hockey is played. But, to be honest, I like this drama because the leading actor is Kimura Takuya, who I mentioned in the preivous article and Takeyochi Keiko. Confident guys are always charming. The theme song "I was born to love you" is very catchy.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Manga and drama

There are quite a few Japanese drama are adapted from comic books, or manga.

Among dramas adapted from comics, I think this one is the most well known because there are three versions: Taiwan, Japan and Korean. I didn't read the manga because I think the drawing is not good-looking. I heard the ending of the story in the manga wasn't a happy one. According to a prefessor of Japanese, she says that Japanese think tragedies touch people more. I didn't watch the Korean version. It's a story about a rich guy fell in love with a poor girl.

"Buzzer Beat"was my favorite drama that I watched last year. It's a story about dream, friends, family and love. To realize our dreams, we can never give up. This is a cheering drama that you can't miss. It's a pity that I can't find clips with English subtitles. I wonder if there are couple composed by a musician and a sports man...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Legendary person: Kimura Takuya

You're not entitled to be a big Japanese drama fan if you don't know Kimura Takuya, who was once called "Mr. 30%" which meant 30% of Japanese watch his drama. Isn't his popularity incredible?

"Beautiful life" is the first drama played by Kimura that I watched. I watched it because many people around me were talking about it and all praised this drama but I knew nothing. In order to know whether it's as good as people say, I watched it. Actually, I didn't like it very much at the age of 11 or 12. As time goes by, I found that the author descruibe love between people very vividly. Even though disabled people have some obstacles or have a shorter life, they still eager to be loved and still want to chase true love. By the way, I like the big dog in the drama and I also want to own a house near the sea.

His must-see work is "Hero", a story of justice.

I hope that I'll never need to face inquitors in my life. Nevertheless, it doesn't bother to know what inquisitors are doing. Thanks to this drama, I know how Japanese court is although there are definitely some diffrernces between the drama and the reality. What's more, many people wanted to be inquisitors after seeing this drama. We can never look down the influence of media!

I've watched more than ten dramas of Kimura's. I can share more if you want to know.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Different ways of expressing humor

I was very angry this morning because I encountered some problems about the J-1 visa which is the visa I need to work in the United States. As a result, I want to introduce some interesting dramas to make myself calm down.

The first one is "Sushi Oji", played by the star I like the best, Koichi Domoto. He hasn't played dramas for quite a long time. This was his last work.

The only word that I can find to describe this drama is "silly". We know that sushi means a lot to Japanese people and they take care for every detail while making sushi. In reality, we can't find a sushi cook who is afraid of fishes like the leading character in this drama.

The second one is "33 minutes detective". Personally, I like detective stories very much. Some of them are even more interesing than love stories. I watched this one because many people recommended for its sense of humor. However, this drama made me down. I kept watching it because I want to know how the author concludes this drama.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

To Win Her Back

Are you agree with the opinion that not until we lose the one we love will we find out how important he or she is? If you are,"Proposal Daisakusen" and "Moto Kare" will be 2 dramas that you can't fail to watch.

I love "Proposal Daisakusen" because it's really creative. There are surely some people who want to go back to the past to keep some regrettable things from happening. However the technology develops, we can't fulfill this dream. Nonetheless, we can turn this impossible thing into reality in dramas. I enjoyed not only the romantic plots but also the funny ones. I really admire the gourmand genius. You'll definitely cry out "Hallelujah Chance" with Japanese accent after watching it.

"Moto Kare" means ex-boyfriend. I think that people will absolutely find their better half. It's just a matter of time. We should get along with different people to broaden our horizon and find out the right person. I really love the song in the following clip because it's not difficult to understand its lyrics and the melody is really touching.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Death Penalty- Keep it or Kill it?

I listened to a speech which made me think about whether or not to keep death penalty held by law department yesterday afternoon. Before yesterday, I think it's nothing special to sentence criminals, especially murderers to death for that they killed people. However, there are some problems about our juridical problems, that is judges and inquisitor are on one side, and it's really difficult for we citizens, whether culpable or not, to defend for ourselves. The reason why I insisted that we should keep death penalty is that I don’t want to raise those “evils” because those who pay tax owe not to be punished. The speaker has been promoting the abolishment of death penalty for many years. In other words, she is very experienced about how to persuade people that to have a peaceful society, we don’t really need death penalty. I can’t deny that I was touched by her efforts. Nonetheless, I won’t change my attitude immediately. The clip is a Japanese drama about death penalty and racial discrimination. I watched this drama last summer and it inspired me a lot. I hope you enjoy it.